Optimal and FASTER CAB members, with technical support from CHAI, developed a multi-media package of treatment literacy and advocacy resources for civil society organizations, community representatives, and national networks of PLHIV to expand access to information on pDTG and support demand generation.
Community Resources *NEW!
pDTG Pocketbook for Caregivers – Print Version (English)
pDTG Pocketbook for Caregivers – Online Viewing Version (English)
pDTG Jingle (English)
pDTG Administration Poster for Caregivers (English | French)
pDTG FAQ for Caregivers and Communities – Formatted (English)
pDTG FAQ for Caregivers and Communities – Plain Text (English)
pDTG Poster (English | French)
pDTG Social Media Graphic (English | French)
*French and Swahili versions of all community resources will be available soon!