AFROCAB COMMUNITY FORUM: Supporting Affordable Access to Long-Acting Technologies; the Future of HIV Prevention and Treatment

In April 2023, the CAB hosted a meeting on long-acting technologies and introduction pathways. Presentations, discussions, and panel sessions featured CAB members, Ministry of Health officials, and supplier and industry representatives across two days. The sessions covered key focal areas across the product introduction pathway to inform a third and final day of work-planning and advocacy strategy development. The forum provided the opportunity for learning, discussion, and coordinated planning to ensure the future introduction of new long-acting treatment and prevention programming is led by and cognizant of community needs. Key topics discussed included:

  • The role of public-health-oriented licensing in improving access to medicines
  • Updates on long-acting products in the pipeline 
  • Discussion of research, development, clinical trials, and long-acting technology in the context of pediatric and adolescent populations
  • Generic manufacturing readiness, production capacity, timelines for long-acting technologies
  • Country preparedness for long-acting technologies
  • Community preference and acceptability of long-acting technologies
  • Community mobilization opportunities to define a community position and priority areas for action

The Forum report is below:


Published: May 31, 2023