Category Archives: News

Call for Applications: AHD Community Engagement- Country Leads

CHAI, Afrocab (community and civil society engagement – CCE – lead), Penta and operational research partners Zvitambo, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, and Mildmay Uganda have received an Advanced HIV Disease (AHD) grant to implement THRIVE (Transforming Advanced HIV Disease CaRe in LMICs through ComprehensiVe and Equitable Access) to reduce HIV related mortality among adults and Children […]

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Cabotegravir Long-Acting Injectable for Prevention; Frequently Asked Questions- CAB-LA FAQ!

For years, we have advocated for a diversity of HIV prevention options that respond to the needs, lifestyles, and unique experiences of our community members at greatest risk for HIV infection. CAB-LA offers a critically needed option for individuals at risk of HIV infection for whom daily PrEP use is not preferred or feasible. The […]

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Afrocab is currently hiring a Technical Director a Finance and Administration Manager and an Administrative Associate. Click on the links below to view the job requirements, detailed job descriptions and instructions on how to apply. The deadline for applications has been extended to 19th January 2024!

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Paris (IAS) treatment optimisation meeting

AfroCAB and Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) Treatment Optimisation Community Meeting Date: 27 July 2017 Venue: Le Meridian Etoile Hotel Debarcardère room, Paris 1 day training, advocacy and strategy meeting after the IAS conference Facilitators: Polly Clayden and Kenly Sikwese Agenda    08.30 – 09.00 Arrival and coffee Aims of the day and introductions – Kenly and […]

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About CHAI CAB Despite the significant progress made in the past decade to increase access to HIV care, accelerating availability of new, optimal treatment options and expanding treatment coverage is a major priority for the global community. UNAIDS, UNITAID, PEPFAR, The Global Fund (GF), WHO, and other global stakeholders recognize that there is an urgent […]

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Presentations and reports Kenya Treatment Optmisation workshop, July 2016 What is HIV – Loice Mukenyang Our voices count as PLHIV on Treament Optmisation in Kenya CHAI CAB activities Treatment optimisation workshops and dolutegavir launch 2017

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OUR Voice counts as PLHIV on Treatment Optimization in Kenya

We have efficacious first-line drugs now and better drugs becoming available, which have the potential for improved tolerability and reduced cost. While a single Efavirenz (EFV)-based fixed dose combination for almost everybody with HIV has been a remarkable public health achievement, it needs to be rethought based on the data that we currently available. The […]

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